…Perfect timing…Thanksgiving!!! CalRes Advantage Health N Wellness
Something that effects ALL of US!
Overeating is something that impacts all of our lives either directly or indirectly Let’s keep it real…How do most of us feel after over eating! i.e.
Directly…you’re overweight and suffer from a poor quality of life…That will likely be shortened in duration…Indirectly…You become the primary “CAREGIVER” for someone suffering from an obesity linked disease…
Accordingly to NIH (National Institute of Health)… Energy imbalances cause the body to STORE FAT!!!
And are the #1 cause of WEIGHT GAIN in NORTH AMERICA!!!!
Let’s have a closer look at the problem at hand….Over Eating this weekend as we all head out to celebrate “Thanksgiving with family and friends!!!!
How do most of us feel after over eating!…Lets be honest…Like CRAP…
On Average Men need between 2200 – 2800 cals/day
Females…1600 – 2200 cals/day
I repeat on AVERAGE…as there are many variables to properly calculating an individual’s “CALORIC ENERGY EQUATION” Like…Age, size (body type), sex, lifestyle, overall health and of course “PHYSICAL ACTIVITY”!!!!
Here’s the problem…The average person will consume 4500 Calories – According to America Council on Fitness 229grams from FAT (9cals/gram = 2061 Cals from FAT…or 45% of the meal!!!
WOW that’s a lot of FAT…so what to do…
Good Question…Three Functional “REAL LIFE” CalRes Advantage TIPS…
OK most of the calories we consume are coming from FAT approximately 45% of the 4500 cals or 2061Cals…
- Most of the calories are hidden in sauces, gravies, sugar laced treats and the dessert served as a separate meal as everyone is to full to eat it right after the main course !!! It’s simple…sauces and gravies can easily be served on the side! Or used in minimal amounts.
- Desserts…could be skipped or try to apply real life portion control!! Which is something we should ALL be trying to apply EVERY DAY of our lives plus on ANY and ALL festive meals!!!!
- Always EAT before you attend ANY FESTIVE meal or SOCIAL EVENT!
Happy Thanksgiving to each and Every one of you…And safe travels!!!
Taken from CJCY live broadcast Oct 3, 2017.